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Service Learning 


BBUSA’s service-learning programming expands students' awareness of the world’s most pressing issues, including poverty, education, healthcare, and the environment. By participating in a project with a real-world impact, our students gain new perspectives on the challenges they face in the landscape of broader human experience. The opportunity to deepen their appreciation of the world’s complexity and discover their potential roles within it moves them toward a more authentic level of global engagement and compassionate leadership. 


BBUSA’s service-learning components aim to:


1. Meaningfully engage: Teachers who oversaw the creation of past BBUSA English-language books will attest that students eagerly jump into an engaging service-learning opportunity. To spark this kind of interest, it is crucial for a project to:


  • Correspond with students’ ages and abilities

  • Discuss sometimes-difficult topics

  • Incorporate a variety of challenging yet fun activities 

  • Propose an outcome from which the receiving community will clearly benefit

  • Establish a realistic goal


2. Target learning goals: BBUSA’s service-learning programming introduces a unique opportunity for participating American students to meet targeted goals in and out of the classroom, as they learn to:


  • Link their project with their academic curriculum

  • Apply their skills in different settings

  • Collaborate with their peers


3. Amplify young voices: Whether they are planning their English-language book, implementing its words and illustrations, or evaluating their overall experience, students are encouraged to take the reins. Supervising teachers and the BBUSA Art and English Directors create an environment where students are free to:


  • Express their ideas openly

  • Make individual decisions or contribute to collective ones

  • Resolve conflicts 

  • Communicate their progress and receive feedback



4. Stoke reflection: At all stages of the BBUSA project, participating students are prompted to think critically about themselves and their role in their surroundings—both local and global. They have an ongoing chance to: 


  • Evaluate changes in their attitudes and knowledge levels

  • Analyze real-world problems and contemplate practical solutions

  • Reevaluate their preconceptions or stereotypes

  • Understand opposing opinions

  • Reflect on the responsibilities of being a global citizen



Because feedback is crucial to the improvement and sustainability of any kind of service-learning, BBUSA encourages its participants to submit detailed evaluations. This ensures that the project reaches its goal and continues to provide an enriching service-learning experience.

Click to travel back and see more of our programs

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